Friday, January 9, 2015

Dispatches from a Desert Isle, Day 3

Day 3

I arose from a deep slumber to hear a cock crowing but then fell back into sleep for some time, lulled by the island wind blowing through the trees. When again I awoke, the sun was high in the sky. I called out to hear if any was by and heard a pleading from the Cap’n’s door. I asked was she very well, and whether she needed any assistance; I was able to bring her sustenance for which she seemed most grateful. She bade me lay it by the door so I would not see her when she took it in, and I honored her request. ‘Tis most strange and ominous, yet she sounds gentle and kind. Perhaps it is only a temporary weakness that makes her seem so.

I spent the remainder of the daylit hours lying in the sun amid a rising yet still warm breeze, thinking over all that had and had not happened to me these past days and wondering how I will be used and what I will do when at last I escape. How will I return to you, my beloveds?

I do not know that I can convey the atmosphere of this island. I have said it is warmish and peaceful, yet there are hints of darkness all around. 

Last night as the crew returned me home, I saw a pack of wild dogs disappearing around the corner, slunk low to the ground, and with the full moon I heard them calling. 

I will spare you the sound, for it will haunt your soul.

Are these the Cap’n’s kin? Clearly I must remain on my guard.

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