Friday, January 9, 2015

Dispatches from a Desert Isle, Day 2

Day 2 

I slept hard through the night, barely knowing where I was, and woke to find the lair apparently deserted. I dipped into the provisions at hand to reinvigorate my senses and then explored a bit.

My bunk is fitted with a pirate’s accoutrements, with boots and hats hung upon the wall, 
 horse memorabilia,

...a cooking pan and a set of rusted keys—perhaps to some long-buried treasure?
It is spare but cozy.

Here be some close-ups of the bunk's contents: 

the pan and keys (oh, that they would buy my freedom from this place)...

the diorama of desert desolation...
and various accoutrements of the book crannies.

The remainder of the lair is fairly open but for another several sleeping nooks, all empty of inhabitants. Just outside the door there is a cold salt water pond that must be wonderful for bathing when the sun is nearer the earth. The pond is surrounded by a variety of vegetation: trees and cacti, all arranged as if by human hand with the most peaceful affect.

By and by I heard certain rumblings almost like barking emanating from Cap’n Cutlip’s apartments and knew I was not alone, but yet again I did not see her. Could she be in werewolf form? The mystery continues to grow.

As the sun set, Gentle Glen again fetched me and took me to the communal fire, where each of the crew told me of their histories and the origins of their pirate monikers. After a very jolly night, they returned me safely to the lair, and I slept long and deeply, though I dreamed unseen thieves were stealing my precious belongings… a premonition of things to come?

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