Friday, July 3, 2015

A Brief Digression: Half-Birthday Edition

Happy Half-Birthday to Yous, Happy Half-Birthday to Yous,
Happy Half-Birthday Dear Coos, 
Happy Half-Birthday toooooooo Yoooooooous!!

Just in case you don't remember, this is what you looked like just after you were born.
Being born is exhausting.
Here's the first moment I held P:

and an approximation of the first look I saw on I's face:
"Something is rotten in the state of Oakland."

Here's P looking just like Wally Shawn:

Inconceivable! I can't tell them apart!
And here he is milk-drunk:
Can't... keep... eyes... open...
Wally Shawn would NEVER get milk-drunk.

and I the day you came home from the hospital:

and here you two are, looking like baby rappers in your nest:

Yes, those are the doll-sized hats I still have in my drawer. 
And yes, they were too big for you then.

Here are a few early pictures with your loved ones...

Flappy and Grumpipuss
This is called "imprinting"—babies memorizing faces by staring intently. 
It's totally charming.

Proof I always liked to arch her back.
You did it. You exhausted him.
Maybe you did know yet how much you loved Emily. BTW, that doll in her arms has your same name. 
She got twin dolls and named them after you two before you were born.
And of course, each other. Here's I suckling P's head.

And this is what you looked like lo around your first 1/2 birthday. Cuties!


Here's how I liked to sleep—curled back and butt in the air:

and what P liked to do with his spare time.

And of course you loved to read, even then:

Here you are with cousins at Grandma's house
in shirts sent by David. Thanks, David!

Here you are at your first play, Twelfth Night (the one we just saw with the twins in it)

At intermission, I put her hat over her face and took a nap. 

And then there's this one from your first Christmas just because it's so stinkin' cute.
My little Muppet! 

I love you little monkeys! 
Hope you have a great half-birthday weekend. Enjoy your Orange Crush cake!

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